Rupin pass trek

Rupin pass trek

price: Rs.18,000

The Rupin Pass Trek - A Lifetime Dream

Quick fact:

Region: uttarakhand / Himanchal

Trekking distance: 52 km

Altitude: 15,250 ft

Difficulty : Moderate to Difficult 

Pickup and drop: Dehradoon to Dehradoon 

Duration: 7 (N) 8 (D) 

Best time to visit: May, June, Sep

One of the best high altitude treks – the Rupin pass Trek is one hell of an adventure. If you look into the map or ask locals, you will find that there are several passes connecting Baspa Valley in Kinnaur to Garhwal. Earlier, shepherds used these passes to rear their herd. You can experience a wide range of landscapes, weather conditions, and altitudes during the trek

Short itinerary:

Day 1: Drive from Dehradun to Dhaula – 200 Km by car – 10 hours

Day 2: Dhula to Sewa – 10 Km – 5/6 hours

Day 3: Sewa to Jhaka – 12 Km – 6/7 hours

Day 4: jhaka to Buras Kandi – 7 Km – 5 hours

Day 5: Buras kandi to  Dhanderas – 6 Km – 4 hours

Day 6: Dhanderas to /Upper waterfall – 5 Km – 4 hours

Day 7: Upper waterfall to  Rupin Pass corss Ronti gad – 9 Km – 8 hours

Day 8: Ronti gad  to Sangla / 12 Km – 6 hours and simla / drive Simla 9/10hours

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