Sar pass Trek

Sar pass Trek

price: Rs.7,000

Wellcome to Lifetravello pvt limited 

Sar Pass Trek Itinerary

Day 1 - Reach Kasol and trek to Grahan village ( 4-5 hours)

Starts your trek from the centre of Kasol and keeps to the true left of the Grahan nalah. The trail is easy and frequently used by locals.

Trek through lovely pine forests.

One can effortlessly cover much distance in a couple of hours.

After Grahan nalah the trail becomes rocky and climbing uphill, away from the right bank of the river. Buras (Rhododendrons) grow in the forest.

Rhododendron petals can be eaten whole and the syrup can be mixed with water to make a refreshing drink.

After a steep climb of about an hour, reach the village of Grahan, situated at the top.

Overnight stay in tents at Grahan.

Day 2 - Grahan to Mung Thach ( 4-5 hours)

Climb towards the north of camping ground at Grahan. Villagers can be seen using this path for Min Thach.

After walking for a while, witness the Min Thach, Nagaru, and Sar Top on the mountain to the right.

Trek through the steeper path which leads into the woods.

The slope becomes steeper and the path is confusing in some places.

After crossing the forest arrive in Min Thach.

Chandrakhani stretch and other ranges are visible clearly from here.

Overnight at Min Thach.

Day 3 - Mung Thach to Nagaru (4-6 hours)

Trek from Min Thach to Nagaru and pass through the woods. It is difficult part of the trek, the slope falls steeply to the valley below and the snow may be slippery.

After crossing steep slope for a couple of hours,reach Nagaru campsite.

Facing north,you can see magnificent mountains across the Parvati valley, the town of Manikaran is also visible.

Sleep early to avoid cold and the next day involves an early start.?

Overnight at Nagaru.

Day 4 - Nagaru to Biskeri Thach via Sar Pass ( 6-8 hours)

Make an early start, as the climb is steep through the snow.

Sar pass and the elevated peaks of the Tosh valley will be visible from here.
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Lifetravello pvt Ltd 
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